The Keystone Academy is a school for international refugee boys aged 10 to 15 in Houston, Texas. It identifies boys that are leaders of their peers, develops them spiritually to become Christ followers, empowers them to reach their peers with the message of Jesus Christ while placing them in an academic environment that is more akin to their learning style. .
Since starting the school a year ago we have seen students increase their reading comprehension by more than 40% on average and their TAKS test scores increase by 11 to 24%.
More importantly, the boys in the school come to know Jesus and take responsibility for reaching their peers with the message of Jesus Christ. The boys in the school have not only come to Christ themselves, but have won others to Christ and several have multiple generations of disciples
For a greater understanding multi-generational discipleship, read the story of one of the boys by clicking HERE
The Keystone Academy is a sub ministry of the Keystone Project Houston which you can learn more about at
Below is a short video explaining the Keystone Project and the Keystone Academy