Stories of Discipleship

Stories of Discipleship

Kyaw was the first boy to come to Christ and immediately began to tell others about what Jesus has been doing in his life.

Kway was translating for LJ among the Karen families in Houston, and after a day of translating in homes sitting on the steps at the apt. he asked a really simple question:

"Is everything you are teaching about Jesus true?"

My response back was, "Of course it is true, why would I be going around tell all these people about Jesus if it were not true."

He asked back, "What would I need to do for me to follow Jesus?"

He began to pray and ask the spirit to come and fill him and help him to follow Jesus.

In discipleship, we asked Kyaw to pray about where to start with making disciples. He prayed and started immediately with his family. Over the next weeks and months Kyaw was a part of seeing several of his siblings come to Jesus as he prayed strategically for them and shared with them.

Just in the past month Kyaw began to work with some new boys that moved to his apt complex, Li Rey and Mohammed. Li Rey is from a buddhist family and Mohammed is from muslim family.

Kyaw began to share with them about all that he has learned and cast the vision to them of God purpose for their lives. Over the course of several week as Kway continued calling these boy closer to the cross. As he spoke with them, he refused to water down Christianity, but called them to come follow Jesus in His purposes to be used in the lives of others that have not heard of Christ yet.

Both of them began to pray with Kyaw and he helped them to grow in understanding the bible. The first thing that Kyaw did was to paint a picture of what God wants to do through their lives and they began to pray for someone that they could start to teach about Jesus.

They began to pray for a Latino boy names Adrian. over the next weeks these boys prayed faithfully for Adrian and called him to become a person through which God an change the lives of others.

Soon, Adrian was ready to follow Jesus and start discovering how God wants to use him in the lives of others. Kyaw is now leading a group of these boys that are his disciples. He has worked through 5 generations of disciples, and has personally led so many more to Jesus.

That is the power of discipleship-- not us doing the work but equipping others to take the message of the cross to their peers, and that is what we celebrate at Keystone Academy

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing testimony of God's power in the heart of someone with child-like faith.
